Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Renewing Items over Winter Break
If you need to get a head start on projects for the second semester, place your I-Share requests a few days before you return to school and the books will be waiting for you when you arrive back on campus.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Winter Break 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
New Items at Hewes Library
Recent titles have included:
- History of Modern Iran by Ervand Abrahamian
- Slang: The People's Poetry by Michael Adams
- Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan
- Life and Death in the Third Reich by Peter Fritzsche
- Field Guide to Plants of Costa Rica by Margaret B. Gargiullo
- Pioneering Women in American Mathematics by Judy Green & Jeanne LaDuke
- Assassination of Fred Hampton by Jeffrey Haas
- By Roman Hands by Matthew Hartnett
- Addiction: A Disorder of Choice by Gene M. Heyman
- How Professors Think by Michele Lamont
On Display: William Shakespeare
Shakespeare is considered by many to be the best in English literature. Shakespeare is known for his plays, including comdies like As You Like It, historical plays revolving around British royalty, and plays based on Ancient Greece and Rome, such as Julius Caesear. Shakespeare also penned several tragedies (Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth) and towards the end of his career, tragicomedies of which The Tempest and The Winter's Tale. His collection of sonnets, number around 150, is impressive and still subject to much scholarly debate today.
Items is this display case are from the library’s circulating and Reference collections. Please inquire at the Circulation desk if you would like to check materials out.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Extended Finals Hours - Fall Semester 2009
In addition, we would like to take this time to remind students, faculty, and staff that quiet hours in the library are also in effect. Please be courteous of fellow students' studying. Thank you.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Microforms, Part III: Microfilm
Microfilm was also the format preferred by the library for the back issues of magazines from 1967 until 1992, when the shift was made to microfiche. Some magazines that have been around for a long time like Time and Newsweek have issues available in print (for pre-1967 issues), microfilm (1967-1992) and microfiche (1993- present). Be sure to check the location information for the library’s magazine titles in found in the library catalog record or in the Journals: A to Z list to locate the issues you need.
There are also microfilm copies of some regional Civil War Era newspapers such as the Cairo City Gazette and the Keokuk Des Moines Valley Whig. All of the microfilm is filed alphabetically in the cabinets found on the right hand wall of the microforms room. The same readers used for microfiche can be used to read and print from the microfilm. If you need assistance in locating a title or would like more information on the microfilm and microfiche collections at Hewes, ask any librarian.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Pre-Finals & Finals Extended Library Hours - Fall 2009
Pre-Finals & Finals Extended Hours:
- Friday, December 4: 8am - 10pm
- Saturday, December 5: 9am - 10pm
- Sunday, December 6: 9am - Midnight
- Monday, December 7 - Friday, December 11: 8am - 1am
- Saturday, December 12 & Sunday, December 13: 9am - 1am
- Monday, December 14 & Tuesday, December 15: 8am - 1am
- Wednesday, December 16: 8am - 6pm
On Thursday, December 17, Hewes Library will begin its winter break hours, which are 8am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thanksgiving Break, Fall 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009: 8am - 2:30pm
Thursday, November 26, 2009: Closed
Friday, November 27, 2009: Closed
Saturday, November 28, 2009: Closed
Sunday, November 29, 2009: 6pm - midnight
Monday, November 30, 2009: 8am - midnight, Regular hours resume
For more information about the library's hours, please visit the Hewes Library Website.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Microforms, Part II: Microfiche
Much of the information that Hewes receives from the Federal Government as part of the Depository Library program also comes in on microfiche. These are stored in the filing cabinets facing you as you stand in the door of the microform room. How do you know if the government information you are looking for is on microfiche? From the catalog record. Let’s say you are looking in the library catalog for information on the impact agriculture has on wetlands. You may come across the following catalog entry, “Wetlands and agriculture, private interests and public benefit”. The listing states that this book can be found in government document microfiche on the main level with the call number “A 1.107:765” This type of number reflects the government filing system which is unlike the system the library uses to catalog its books and video materials.
Hewes library’s microfiche can be viewed on the readers found in the microform room. Prints of needed pages can also be made from the machines at a cost of 10¢ per page. As always, ask a librarian if you cannot find the information.
Friday, November 20, 2009
What are you reading?
“Factual, well documented, and brilliant, Martin Gilbert’s book on Crystal Night is a poignant lesson.” – Elie Wiesel
In the same vein of The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom and Schindler’s Ark, this book is full of events before, during and after the Night of Broken Glass, November 10, 1938. Filled with numerous eye-witness accounts, this book is sometimes hard to read. The power and control evil had over Germany created heroes from everyday citizens and shamed others, including nations who refused to provide refuge. A “poignant lesson”, indeed.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Art & Artifacts: Snow on the Nihon-Bashi Bridge by Utagawa Hiroshige
The hand-colored woodblock print, known as ukiyo-e (“pictures of the floating world”), depicted the emerging commercial and cultural milieu, particularly around the new capital of Edo. This particular print captures the activity around the famous bridge, in a picturesque snowfall. For a summary analysis of the technique of Japanese woodblock prints, please see page 833 of Marilyn Stokstad’s Art History, revised second edition.
This particular piece is currently on display in Gallery 203 as part of our “Around the World in (less than) 80 Fonts” exhibit, showcasing a number of exquisite examples of calligraphy from our Permanent Art Collections. Please stop by and see it and many other intriguing works of art!
Friday, November 13, 2009
New Items at Hewes Library
Recent titles have included:
- On the Shoulders of Giants by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
- Power of the Zoot by Luis Alvarez
- Legacy by Greg Bear
- Towns of Destiny by Hilaire Belloc
- 1939, Baseball's Tipping Point by Talmage Boston
- Reading Difficulties and Dyslexia by J.P. Das
- Rock, Paper Scissors by Len Fisher
- 7 Best Things That Happy Couples Do by John c. Friel and Linda D. Friel
- Snow Goose by Paul Galeico
- On Their Own by Joyce Hoffmann
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
On Display: Monmouth College Insect Collection
Monday, November 9, 2009
Microforms, Part I: What are they?
Over the years two main formats have come to be preferred, the card version known as microfiche and the film roll version known as microfilm. Both formats require special equipment to view and print the information found on microforms. The library has two reader/printers that are capable of displaying both types of micro-formats. If you are doing historical research or research that requires the use of government information you will probably find yourself using the microforms room. Be sure to ask a librarian if you have any questions about using the equipment. More information on the Hewes microform holdings will be given in later Research Tips.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Anime Club Gift
Newly processed DVD’s will join last year’s donation in the DVD collection under the call number PN1992.8.A59 and the novels are on the upper level in the book stacks under PN6790.J34.
Thanks again to the Anime Club for their great gift!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Hewes Library & Popular Magazines
The Hewes Library staff would like your input! Please take a few minutes to complete the survey online. The survey will be available the rest of the week. Thanks!
Friday, October 30, 2009
ProQuest CDs
How do you find out what is contained on these discs? All of the full-text journals found on the discs are listed in the library’s Journals: A to Z list . The listing of a journal that is found on the CD’s will look similar to the following: “ American Rifleman: from 1993 to April 2003 on ProQuest CD in the Hewes Library Print Holdings.” Should you find you need an article from these CD’s, please ask for assistance from any reference librarian.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Gently Used Books and More
Currently the table has a selection of children's books that education majors might be interested in for their own personal collection. On the end of the table, while supplies last, there is a pile of CD and DVD cases free for the taking.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
On Display: Charles Darwin, Celebrating 200 Years
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
What are you reading? MC's Psychology Department
- A Leg to Stand On by Oliver Sacks
- An Anthropologist on Mars by Oliver Sacks
- The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks
- Every Day Gets a Little Closer by Irvin D. Yalom
- The Gift of Therapy by Irvin D. Yalom
- The Fifty-Minute Hour by Robert Lindner
- Born to Win by Muriel James and Dorothy Jongeward
- The Games People Play by Eric Berne
- Getting the Love You Want by Harville Hendrix
- Tales from a Traveling Couch by Robert U. Akeret
- Obedience to Authority by Stanley Milgram
- One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest by Ken Kesey
- Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E. Frankl
- Through A Window by Jane Goodall
- The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge
- Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman
- My Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor
- Another Day in the Frontal Lobe by Katrina Firlik
- Over My Head by Claudia Osborn
- Smashed: Story of a Drunken Girlhood by Koren Zailckas
- Phantoms in the Brain by V.S. Ramachandran
- When the Air Hits Your Brain by Frank Vertosick
- The man who tasted shapes by Richard Cytowic
- A brief tour of human consciousness by V.S.Ramachandran
- Born on a blue day by Daniel Tammet
- An Unquiet Mind by Kay Redfield Jamison
- I Hate You, Don’t Leave Me by Hal Straus
- Making Your Children Mind Without Losing Yours by Kevin Leman
Many thanks to the Psychology Department for sharing their favorites!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Art & Artifacts: Winding Road and Cypress Trees, San Vigilio by John Singer Sargent
Location: Upper Level outside Gallery 204
In 1970, the college received the painting as a gift from the national women's fraternity, Kappa Kappa Gamma, to mark the 100th anniversary of its founding at Monmouth. Kappa Kappa Gamma had purchased it from the Kennedy Galleries in New York, N.Y.
Friday, October 16, 2009
New Items at Hewes Library
Recent titles have included:
- Baseball at the University of Michigan by Rich Adler
- Little Men by Louisa May Alcott
- Firebrand of Liberty by Stephen V. Ash
- Autism by Lisa D. Benaron
- America's Food by Harvey Blatt
- Caesar's Hours by Sid Caesar
- Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert
- Lincoln President-Elect by Harold Holzer
- Schindler's Ark by Thomas Keneally
- Measure of a Man by Martin Luther King Jr.
All new items in the New Book Display case can be found in the Hewes Library catalog and are subject to normal circulation procedures for their respective collections. For more information on collection circulation policies, please visit the Hewes Library home page.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Research Tip: Magazine & Journal Locations in Hewes Library
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
On Display: Baseball, A Collection from Prof. Howard Price
Monday, October 5, 2009
FDsys: Federal Digital System
The new system is searchable in a variety ways; by branch, agency, document title, subject, date; and all results are full PDF documents. Popular titles include the Congressional Record, the Federal Register, laws, and Presidential Documents. The digital format not only allows for ease in searching, but also faster delivery and assures the preservation of the documents even as technology changes.
This new product is the latest in GPO’s charge to disseminate America’s government information. Hewes Library has been a partner in GPO’s Federal Depository Library Program since its inception in 1860. FDsys is the latest product offered in this 150 year endeavor to provide citizen’s free and open access to their federal documents. A short video from the Government Printing Office talks about the new FDsys software and how it is improving access to government information.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Banned Book Week 2009: Top 10 Most Frequently Challenged
- And Tango Makes Three by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell
- His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman
- TTYL; TTFN; L8R, G8R (series), by Lauren Myracle
- Scary Stories (series) by Alvin Schwartz
- Bless Me, Ultima by Rudolfo Anaya
- The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
- Gossip Girl (series) by Cecily von Ziegesar
- Uncle Bobby's Wedding by Sarah S. Brannen
- The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
- Flashcards of My Life by Charise Mericle Harper
The Hewes Library Banned Book Week materials will remain on display in the East Lobby display cases for the next few weeks. Items are available to checkout and any member of the staff can assist you.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Banned Book Week Read Out 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Banned Book Week 2009: Read, Speak, Know
"A challenge is an attempt to remove or restrict materials, based upon the
objections of a person or group. A banning is the removal of those
materials. Challenges do not simply involve a person expressing a point of
view; rather, they are an attempt to remove material from the curriculum or
library, thereby restricting the access of others." (Definition from ALA.)
More information on Banned and Challenged Books:
- ALA's Banned Book Week
- ALA's lists of Frequently Challenged Books
- The Hewes Library Banned Book Week 2009
Graphics complimentary from the American Library Association.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
James Christie Shields '49
He earned his B.S. from Monmouth College in 1949, after serving as a hospital corpsman with the U.S. Marine Third Division in the Pacific Theater in World War II. He went on to teach at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu, Middlebury College in Middlebury, Vermont, and in the English Department of Collegiate School in New York City. In 1988, he returned to Monmouth College where he was conferred with the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters for his distinguished career as a teacher.
After his retirement, he spent his time studying and writing in the field of Egyptology. The James Christie Shields Collection of Art and Artiquities is currently house in Hewes Library. Mary Phillips, Curator of College Art Collections, mangages the collection and rotates exhibits in Gallery 203, which is located on the Upper Level.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Research Tip: Found the perfect article, but can’t find the full-text anywhere?
Still can’t find it? If the title is not found, don’t despair! You can still request the article by filling out an Article Request Form (also available at the Reference Desk). The InterLibrary Loan Staff will find a library that has the journal and request them to send a copy to Monmouth for you. Please be sure to fill in as much information as possible on the request and you will be notified by the library when the article has arrived. This process can take a week to 10 days, so do your research early!
*Databases and Interlibrary Loan Services are available to students, faculty, and staff at Monmouth College.
Friday, September 18, 2009
A Healthy Fall at Hewes Library
More information on the Monmouth College's campus committment to a healthly fall can be found online. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has also established Flu.gov to provide credibile and up to date information.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
New Items at Hewes Library
Recent titles have included:
- Michael & Me by Maiden Voyage Productions
- Why Poetry Matters by Jay Parini
- Amsterdam by Ian McEwan
- Reforming Women's Fashion 1850-1920 by Patricia A. Cunningham
- Baseball by Geoffrey C. Ward & Ken Burns
- Ghost Road by Pat Barker
- Abraham Lincoln's Political Faith by Joseph R. Fornieri
- Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life & Beyond by Axel Bruns
- Leadership Ethics by Terry L. Price
- New York Yankees by Phil Pepe
- Native Soil by Eric W. Mogren
- Sister Societies by Beth A. Salerno
- An Honest Calling by Mar E. Steiner
All new items in the New Book Display case can be found in the Hewes Library catalog and are subject to normal circulation procedures for their respective collections. For more information on collection circulation policies, please visit the Hewes Library home page.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Art & Artifacts: Our Cup Runneth Over by John Clayson Snook
My Cup Runneth Over was donated to Monmouth College by the artist in 1942. The mural was originally installed on campus in the old Carnegie Library building. In 1990, the old library building was renovated and renamed Poling Hall. The mural was removed and placed in storage and subsequently “re-discovered,” restored, and hung in Hewes Library ten years later.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Research Tip: Wondering where to find a journal article on your topic?
If you are doing historical research on a topic, JSTOR is a good place to start. This is a database containing the complete text of many academic journals in both the humanities and the sciences. Most of the articles are pre-2004, with some going back into the 19th century. All of these databases* can be accessed from the library’s home page.
*Databases are available to students, faculty, and staff at Monmouth College.
Monday, September 7, 2009
On Display: Books for Understanding Contemporary Japan
David Tharp from The Nippon Foundation wrote the following about the program:
"In the first phase of the program, sets of 100 books will be donated to 300 key libraries, universities, and institutions across North America. Most of the
books have been published recently, but some older classics were also included to give a better appreciation of the historical background of the nation.
This first collection is just the first phase. Some of the best books about Japan are not currently available in English translation, and some are out of print. In the next phase of this ambitious educational project, a second wave of books will be translated into English, and publishers will be asked to reprint other books. A complete catalog listing the 100 books, with an accompanying summary of each book is now available, and is accessible at the bottom of this page. The books include such topics as Japanese foreign policy, the Japanese company, 21st century Japanese management, the psychology of Japanese society, anime, contemporary Japanese films, Japanese women writers, the making of modern Japan, the Tokyo war crimes trial, and post-war Japanese history."
Currently, a selection of the donated books are on display in the East Lobby display cases. All books have been added to the Hewes Library Circulating Collection and are available for checkout.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Student Work Study Applications
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Gallery 204: "From Here to There" by Stacy Lotz
"From Galesburg to Monmouth and then back - Monmouth to Galesburg
During the back and forth I am increasingly aware of the artistic changes in the stretch of land From Here To There:
Aware of the sometimes harsh, and sometimes subtle, impact of the changing seasons and weather
Aware of crop rotations and planting patterns
Spring fields – Harvest – and Till
Aware of the movement of cattle from one pasture to another – groups of cattle as they graze and the one individual laying at the top of the hill watching over the others
Aware of tall grass along the side of the road that becomes beautiful round sculpture placed systematically, yet effortlessly, along the road - and sometimes they linger for months, but the real beauties disappear before I go back that dayAware that these changes are about processes and cycles that
significantly impact my comings and goings"-Stacy Lotz, 2009
Currently, the artist's talk is scheduled for Friday, September 18 at 4:15pm. A gallery reception is scheduled for Saturday, September 19, from 2-4 p.m. Gallery 204, part of the Len. G. Everett Galleries are located on the Upper (Collier) Level of Hewes Library and are clearly visible from both the stairs and the elevator. A full schedule of upcoming exhibits is also available online.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
On Display: Back to School
All of the Monmouth College paraphenilia is currently on loan from the Monmouth College Bookstore. To purchase any of the items on display, please visit the bookstore which is located on the Lower Level of McMichael Residence Hall. Enter through Dunlap Terrace.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Hewes Library returns to Regular Hours
Regular hours are:
- Sunday: Noon to midnight.
- Monday - Thursday: 8am to midnight.
- Friday: 8am to 5pm.
- Saturday: 9am to 5pm.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Applications for Student Employment - Fall 2009
Library student assistants complete a variety of tasks working at the library. Students shelve books, shelf-read, and work at the library's Circulation Desk. Additional projects are assigned by different supervisors. All students are expected to work weekends on a rotating basis.
Fall 2009 Move In Weekend
If you are new to campus, feel free to take any of the handouts located at the Reference and Circulation Desks. First year students will be visiting the library with their ILA classes over the next few weeks for more information.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Hewes Library is excited to announce that we will be continuing the ScotsRead Collection this fall. ScotsRead is a collection of bestsellers and popular books provided to the Monmouth College campus community.
All ScotsRead titles can be found in the Hewes Library Catalog and we have new titles arriving monthly. Books are available to check out for two weeks with the option to renew for an additional two weeks. Items can be renewed using the My Account feature in the library's catalog.
Recent titles have included:
- Just After Sunset by Stephen King
- Rachel Ray's Big Orange Book by Rachel Ray
- Good Woman by Danielle Steel
- Watchmen by Alan Moore
- Jamie at Home: Cook Your Way to the Good Life by Jamie Oliver
- Bad Bridesmaid by Siri Agrell
- Being Martha by Allen Llyod
- Stone Cold by David Baldacci
- Farewell Summer by Ray Bradbury
- Critical by Robin Cook
- Next by Michael Crichton
Hewes Library Staff
In addition to traditional library services, librarians are available for individual research consultations regarding a project or paper and customized instruction sessions tailored to individual faculty member's needs. Please contact a staff member for more information.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Summer 2009 Hours
For more information, please visit the Hours section of the Hewes Library webpage.