Tuesday, September 4, 2012

New Feature: Database of the Month

Database of the Month

A new feature at Hewes Library, each month this blog will describe one of the lesser known databases found at Monmouth College. But first we’ll give a general overview of our databases. Monmouth College subscribes to about 100 online databases, covering a variety of subjects ranging from A-Z Maps online to World Cat, a world-wide listing of library materials.  Several of the largest databases subscribed to by Hewes are what is known as aggregator databases that contain materials covering multiple subject areas.  Access to these most-used databases can be found on the library’s home page in the box in the center of the home page.  Included among these databases are Academic Search Premier (ASP), JSTOR, a general Reference database (Credo Reference), the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), and a world news digest (Facts on File).  The search box is a convenient one-stop shop where these major databases can be searched as well as the library’s catalog of books and a listing of all of our magazines and journals (both print and online).

In addition to these major reference sources, Hewes subscribes to many other databases of a more specialized nature.  For easy reference, there is an A-Z listing of all of our subscribed databases.  But if you know the subject area you need to research, Hewes also has a list of our databases grouped by subject.  
Next month, this column will take a closer look at one of our more specialized databases.
Access to databases is limited to the current students, staff, and faculty of Monmouth College.

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