Friday, February 4, 2011

Title Highlight: Encyclopedia of gods

Encyclopedia of gods : over 2,500 deities of the world

1 volume
Chronology of the Principal Religions and Cultures covered in the book
Civilization Index
Subject Index

This small volume introduces many of the various gods and goddesses found in cultures both ancient and modern. Most of the entries are very short, detailing the culture that the deity belongs to and his/her attributes. The major gods of any culture are listed in BOLD letters and the listing contains information on the deity’s origin, period of worship, other names, cult center, art reference and literary sources. The civilization index at the back is useful for finding lists of gods and goddesses associated with a given culture or religion. Some of the lists are quite long, the entries on Egyptian, Greek, Roman and Hindu gods each contain over 100 names. The subject index is useful for finding the names of gods and goddesses in different cultures associated with a given trait (creator, fertility, harvest etc.) There are no references to other sources for further reading, but the introduction gives a good background and overview of the topic.

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