Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Title Highlight: Encyclopedia of Mummies

Encyclopedia of Mummies

1 volume: Photos, illustrations
Appendix 1: Mummy Films
Appendix 2: Locations of Mummy Collections (Egyptian and Non-Egyptian)

When most people think of mummies, they think of Ancient Egypt. While it is true that Ancient Egyptian mummies are the most widely known, there are examples of mummification in other cultures and instances of natural mummification that occurred in places such as Native American cave burials and the bogs of Denmark and Ireland. All of these types of mummies are described in this book. The book details what is known of the techniques and tools of mummification as well as some of the more well-known mummies that exist in museum collections around the world. The author also considers some modern day preservation efforts as mummification, so Lenin, John Paul Jones and Eva Peron all have entries in this book. In addition, the book covers some of the many films and literary efforts involving mummies with plot descriptions of major works from both genres. There are no references for further reading found after the entries, but the bibliography contains helpful references for further research.

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